Milita our Border Collie is loving being back on the road again - it means less guard duty and a little more time getting out seeing the area. The little pip squeak is Snowpea and she is our comedy relief and does her job beyond well. And then there is Junebug our male cat who was given such a girly name (because we thought he was a SHE).
This summer was the worst for him. We made the HUGE mistake of getting a new cat and Junebug wanted nothing to do with her. So for about 3 month he lived outside and REFUSED to come indoors. He's been the master of killing that whole time - we can't count the number of mice, chipmunks and birds he's left at our doorstep and manage to get himself stuck about 25 feet up in a tree for 5 days (in which we owe Jorge's summer boss many thanks - for she came alone with a ladder and made her way up the tree to get him down MY HERO for anyone who knows me know my baby is # 1 in our home). Well little kitty had to go for a number of reasons and she is happy in her new home and we have our #1 back in the RV full timing and he's back to being himself again.
Happy family :-) Such beautiful happy little things. Junebug has a similar colour to our tabby only our tabby has no white on him.