Sunday, November 4, 2012

When we change our clocks forward or back

Yes, it's that time of year ago. Daylight Savings. This is when I mark the start of the Holiday Season. (We celebrate Christmas but a little different from most folks, we celebrate Christmas as it should be a day to reflect on our Lord and we do a present exchange on New Years day - a new start =" the new present and feel they go more hand in hand then on Christmas). WE DID NOT QUIT our jobs, we just opt not to renew a contract for the next summer - there a number of reasons why in which we could go on and on about - but why, the main point was to follow our Dream by Our TERMS.... So now the holiday season is more then important to us because its the bulk of our paycheck now. So how does this play into Daylight Saving Time?? Easy - it's the start to the holidays and its here and now we have to work harder then ever now. BZZZZZZZZZZZZ is the sound we'll hear for up to 16 hours a day until Nov 24th. The official spelling is Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight SavingS Time FIRE DEPARTMENT: Many fire departments encourage people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they change their clocks because Daylight Saving Time provides a convenient reminder. "A working smoke detector more than doubles a person's chances of surviving a home fire," says William McNabb of the Troy Fire Department in Michigan. More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries. SO CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES. We did!! We loose an hour of beautiful sunshine: This does not apply to Idaho because it's been cloudy non stop since Oct 22nd. So it's important to do some major spruce goose to your home and make it look springy since most will be spending a lot of time in doors - something we will do on Tuesday (Chore Day).... An extra hour of sleep is the reward for those who set their clocks and other time-keeping appliances back an hour - which means more chores for you when you waken if you haven't the night prior - due to having to change all those appliances lol - thankfully does not apply in our home and our cell phones do it themselves.... So enjoy that extra hour and be sure to change those batteries - Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Daylight Saving is the last week in October in the UK. I am never fond of the darkness although Im working to bring more light into our house this Autumn.


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